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OpenERP – SaleMLM module

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Internet.pl and SoftCream Software present their software supporting companies engaged in MLM network sale. Our application is an OpenERP system module dedicated to companies building up sale networks in the multi-level marketing model. See the advantages of our application and its basic functionalities.

Więcej informacji – SaleMLM.softcream.pl


The SaleMLM module was created with the partners in mind who – while building their sale network – wish to use this customer acquisition model which becomes increasing popular.

Configuration of the MLM system. To start configuring the system, go to Sale menu, Configuration submenu and MLM Sale option. In the MLM Sale option configure the MLM levels describing the career ladder of the  partners defined in your business who will contribute to your network. For that end, you can define those levels by naming them and indicating the conditions to be met by your partner to advance on the ladder so created. Our system has levels configured by default. You can use or modify them, or introduce your own levels. In the MLM Sale option, User Level, you have an available list of all advancements of your  partners. You can search for them by using the specified criteria: in the user ID box enter the name or a part of the name of your agent and click „search”. In that way you can browse through the entries and edit them as needed. Here also, the history of the career of your  partners shall be stored.

Sale menu, sale order option. The Sale menu, Sale Order option, features all of the Sale orders available in the system. Available is also a hierarchic structure of the MLM system users-partners, a list of your users and a list of the commission fees of such users. All of these functions are available for each of the  partners.

Sale menu, sale order option. In the Sale menu, Sale Order option, you can search for sale orders. Each of the  partners can see their own orders or those of the  partners and agents subordinate to them. The same applies to all other searches in the system. The partner ranking higher can supervise the partner whom he acquired and who ranks lower in the hierarchic structure of the system.

Sale Order status. At any time, you can check the Sale Order status. If the order status is set to „Confirmed” this means that the partner who made this order confirmed same, and the customer should make the payment soon. If the order status is set to „Executed” this means that the sale process was completed and the system points were awarded and the sale commission fees were charged.

User hierarchy. The hierarchic user structure is the main feature of the multi-level Sale system. In the Sale menu, User Hierarchy submenu, you can find the view – presentation of the tree structure of the interrelations between the partners of the system. On the very top, there is the system administrator. He plays a master role over the entire structure. The partners of the system are at the same time its users, which gives them access to all the information according to their authority.

My Users. My Users menu features a list of all the users subordinate to us in terms of organization. Depending on their function in the business organization, the users are assigned to different authority groups and can have different authorities to perform different functions of the system. The list of authority groups is solely available to the system Administrator. From among numerous authority groups, two are material to the MLM system: the MLM Administrator and the MLM Hierarchical User.
Each of the MLM system users must be a member of the MLM Hierarchical User group.

User commission. In the User Commission menu, you can find the list of all transactions of the users subordinate to us. Here, the users have access to the commission fees paid and points awarded. Depending on the authority, the list can be edited. You can then mark any commission fee as accounted for. You can also interfere with the number of the points awarded and the amount of the commission fee paid. The User Commission menu is also useful to browse through and control the transactions executed by the subordinate partners in line with the hierarchy and authority rules awarded by the system Administrator.

Sale Reports and Analyses. The Sale Reports and Analyses are available in the Sale menu, Reporting menu. Jus as elsewhere in the system, also here the same information access rules apply in line with the hierarchy and authority group rules. The reports and analyses in the Open ERP system are very much developed. More on that you can find on our web site.

Individual user preferences. To optimally use the system, the individual preferences of each user should be defined. In the Preferences option in the top right corner of the screen you can set the user language, the time zone, the menu references, the email address and the signature of the user. After being so prepared, the system can now be operated. At present, our solution is the only module available on the world market which adjusts the Open ERP application for use in the MLM system.










Installation/System Requirements

Ubuntu – more information please visit Ubuntu site:


Cenos – more information please visit:


User Manual SaleMLM Software ( PL)


Contact us through our web site, where you will find sections devoted to the Open ERP project and the MLM Sale module. You can also reach us by our Warsaw phone numbers (landline) +48 22 867 80 00, and additionally a dedicated Request Form

Buy a SaleMLM no limited server licence. SaleMLM for OpenERP 6.0 ver 19 ( Python sourse ) 500 EURO

License includes the right to use for one server with unlimited users and unlimited databases. Price does not include services, technical support and updates.
The customer receives the module ZIP file  to be installed in  OpenERP in accordance with the installation of OpenERP modules.

You are welcome to cooperate with us. We will be glad to answer all your questions. Remember – you can always rely on us




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